Why sending a press release isn’t effective
Is your goal for 2022 to get the word out about your passion, your expertise, your story? Most journalists receive hundreds if not thousands of press releases every day. We have some tips on how to get your media advisory the attention it deserves.
Know Your Audience
Make sure to target media outlets including television, newspaper and social media that are specific to your audience. Before you send a press release ask yourself if your potential customers follow the media outlets you are targeting. Make a list of all outlets you’d like to target and make calls to confirm you have the proper contact information for the news desk.
Research Media Outlets
Using wire release sites is okay to an extent, but it doesn’t guarantee coverage or relationship building and it’s often more costly than simply hiring a PR professional to help you get better results. Take the time to research the media outlet you think your news is valuable to and really understand the reporter you’d like to connect with before ever wasting their time.
Timing is Everything
A solid press release about a community event will be overlooked on a busy news day. Breaking news is hard to predict. Try to avoid busy news days like elections, holidays, and weekends because newsrooms are running on limited staff. Watch editorial calendars and see when and where your news story might be a good feature or fit.
Consider Hiring a Pro
Hiring a professional with years of media relations expertise is the best way to go if you’re short on time and resources, which most business leaders are. These professionals have the relationships and skills to be able to push your story forward in the direction you desire to get you the most bang for your buck.
For more information about how Red Energy Public Relations in Colorado Springs gets media relations results , send us a message for a personalized quote and discovery call.